We Believe
Loving God, Loving Each Other, Making and Growing Followers of Jesus.
We are a Jesus-centred, Bible-believing, Spirit-led church and our aim is to glorify God.
We believe that every member of the church is significant and has been given special gifts, talents and abilities, by which they are able to build each other up.
We believe that because God loves lost people He has entrusted to us a great commission - and so we are to “go” in the Spirit's power and “make disciples of all nations”.
We endeavour to be a faith community that is known as both truthful and loving.
We are so thankful that Jesus died for us - to rescue us from sin and death- and that He rose again which proved that He truly was, and is, the Saviour of the world! We are eagerly awaiting His awesome return where the world will be put right!
We are not perfect but "under construction" and we are thankful for God's provision, grace, and patience.
You are welcome here.