Meet the Team

  • Pastor David Jensen

    Senior Pastor

    Together with his wife Jeannette, David has served as our Pastor at Richmond Baptist for seven years and has 22 years of experience. David’s positive, faithful and hardworking manner is felt throughout the entire church. We are so blessed to have him leading our staff and church family.

    In his spare time, David enjoys walking, reading a good book or hitting the gym. Together David and Jeannette have two teenage boys.

    Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday & Sundays.

    Day off is a Monday

  • Pastor Hans Van Lune

    Associate Pastor

    Hans has recently moved to Nelson with his wife Nicola and their three children. Hans and Nicola love people. They love to see people connected, growing and thriving.

    “Our passion is to see people being real and genuine. Genuine discipleship; genuine connection; genuine vulnerability and genuine faith – we are not interested in playing church, but seeing the sick healed, the bound set free and the lonely in the family of God.”

    Office Hours: Sunday - Thursday

    Day off is a Friday

  • Pastor Wendy Milson

    Assistant Pastor & Property Administrator

    Wendy is organised to a T, enthusiastic and passionate about her ministries. She has been overseeing our children’s work for nearly eight years.

    In her spare time, Wendy loves to read, tidy her garden and spend plenty of time with husband Owen and their four adult daughters.

    Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday 9am - 4pm

  • Jeannette Jensen

    Office Manager

    Jeannette loves meeting the amazing people that come through our office door, so expect a lovely warm hello when you come visit.

    When she has some spare time you’ll find her in the ocean for a swim, walking her beautiful dog Cooper or reading a good book.

    Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 1pm

  • Hans & Nicola VanLune

    Youth Pastors

    Hans and Nicola have recently moved to Richmond with their family. Hans has taken on the role of Associate Pastor and Hans and Nicola look after the Youth as well.

  • Wayne Nicholas

    Pastoral Leadership Assistant

    Wayne is relatable, caring, loves to build people up and he has a passion to see people grow deeper in their relationship with God.

    In his spare time Wayne enjoys spending time with his family.

    Office Hours: Wednesday’s 9am to 12pm

  • Robbie and Dianne Tucker

    Pastoral Assistants

    Robbie and Dianne love being a part of the Pastoral Care Team. In particular they enjoy the opportunity to properly get to know people and to pray for them in any situation.

    In their spare time, Robbie and Dianne love a good date at the movies then to a lovely restaurant for dinner, and when they get a moment - take off and travel.

    03 543 2676